Keys HOA Board Meeting at the KBV Clubhouse

Date: January 9th, 2015
Time: 9:00 am

The next board meeting is scheduled for Friday, January 9th 2015 at the Kure Beach Village Clubhouse at 9:00 am. As always, these are open meetings to all Keys owners and we invite you to attend.

Meeting Agenda, January 9, 2015 9:00 AM

1. Minutes from 11/14/14 board meeting approval

2. Votes taken via email since last meeting:
-Sod replacement at 632 Settlers Lane
-John Chadwick to return to board following death of Colin Christie

3. Finance Grace/Pat
-Liens, Judgments, Foreclosures, Aging summary
-CD Interest

4. Governance and Administration
-Should the Town be a party to the pond dredging agreement if they agree to pay a fair share of dredging costs?

5. Rules and Regulations
-Hurricane shutters at 813 KVW

6. Architecture

7. Pond Maintenance

8. Landscaping
– Sod at 632 Settlers Lane

9 . Other
-Recommendation for electrician to check circuit boxes
-Additions to FAQ web site
-Posting about wildlife/coyotes on web site

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