Keys at Kure Beach Village Homeowners Association Meeting: Friday March 29 th .
Board Attendance:
Home owners:
1. Financial Report Grace McGee/Pat Young
2. Insurance update Pat young
3. Voting/Approval: discuss consistency. Steve will elaborate.
4. Pond Drainage: (Update if needed) Update on Dunes Ken Richardson/Gary Glossop
5. Architecture Linda Newton
6. Landscaping Cathy Pilat/Micki Hobson
7. Termite Inspection Gary Glossop
8. Rules and Regulations
9. Re-Painting Micki Hobson and Ed Wilkinson will have results of RFP solicitation and response from
Kerwick Painting which is ready for Board vote.
10: Trash can storage-where for ALL units. (Back, side, behind bushes, etc)
10. Set up April meeting:
Keys at Kure Beach Village Homeowners Association Meeting
KBV Clubhouse
Friday March 30th
1. Financial Report Grace McGee/Pat Young
2. Insurance update Pat young
3. Voting/Approval: discuss consistency. Steve will elaborate.
4. Pond Drainage: (Update if needed) Update on Dunes Ken Richardson/Gary Glossop
5. Architecture Linda Newton
6. Landscaping Cathy Pilat/Micki Hobson
7. Termite Inspection Gary Glossop
8. Rules and Regulations
9. Re-Painting Micki Hobson and Ed Wilkinson will have results of RFP solicitation and response from Kerwick Painting which is ready for Board vote.
10: Trash can storage-where for ALL units. (Back, side, behind bushes, etc)
11. Set up April meeting: