Keys at Kure Beach Homeowners Association
Agenda March 15, 2019 10:00 AM
1.Scheduled hearing for window violation at 628 Settlers Lane
2. Approval of minutes from Board of Directors meeting on 2/22/19
3. Financial Report Grace McGee
-Review of Profit & Loss Statement and Balance Sheet
-Review of projection requested at last meeting
4. Insurance Pat Young
5. Painting Ed Wilkinson
-Report from Porter Paint and Patrick Kerwick on thickness/coats of paint applied to Keys units
6. Pond Steve Turner
-Fencing choice and professional installation of fencing around pond
7. Architecture Linda Newton
-New Request for Exterior Change Forms
8. Landscaping/Drainage Cathy Pilat
-Update on Sam’s Landscaping and tree work
9. Rules and Regulations
-Survey of Rules & Regs violations
-Response from attorney, Charles Meier, on 12/22/18 court injunction
10. Other/New business
-Complaint form now posted on web site
11. Set date for next meeting _______________________________