Keys HOA – Landscape Committee Still Needing Volunteers

Keys HOA Homeowners,

Currently we are reacting to landscape requests and not focusing on developing a realistic comprehensive landscape plan for our community. Quite honestly, I do not have the knowledge to develop such a plan. So far, two residents have expressed an interest in serving on this committee. Three-Five residents are needed otherwise, I will assume residents are not interested in developing a realistic landscape beautification plan for our community.

This plan could include options for choices of trees, bushes and flowers so that each building home owner can make realistic selections while maintaining continuity in our community.  My initial thought is that nine buildings would be completed each year, but the committee could certainly develop the parameters.  

If you are interested in being part of our initial discussion, please email Sara Smith at and I will schedule a meeting.  Thank you.

Keys HOA Landscape Chair – Sara Smith

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