Keys at Kure Beach Homeowners Association
Agenda February 22, 2019 10:00 AM
-Approval of minutes from Board of Directors meeting on 1/19/19
2. Financial Report Grace McGee
-Review of Profit & Loss Statement and Balance Sheet
3. Insurance Pat Young
4. Painting Ed Wilkinson
-Review of progress/scheduling/billing
5. Pond Steve Turner
6. Architecture Linda Newton
-Request for Exterior Change – 813 Sloop Pointe Lane
-Windows at 625 Settlers
-New Requests for Exterior Change Forms
7. Landscaping/Drainage Cathy Pilat
8. Rules and Regulations
-Review of change to Violations of Rules and Regulations/timeline for hearings:
VIOLATION OF THESE RULES AND REGULATIONS As provided by Chapter 47F-3-107.1 of the General Statues of North Carolina, Homeowners have the right to attend a hearing before any fine is levied or item(s) towed and stored. If the board decides that a fine should be imposed, a fine not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00) may be imposed for the violation and without further hearing, for each day more than five days after the decision that the violation occurs. Should legal assistance be required by the Board, the resulting cost may be incurred by the owner.
-Update on 10/22/18 court injunction – Dougan
-Update on window at 644 Settlers Lane – letter sent 12/12/18 requesting replacement 60 days from date of letter
-Review of rule violations from walk around/additions?
9. Other
-Follow up on termite inspection/notices/compliance/fines
-Complaint form adapted from Village
10. Set date for next meeting _______________________________